Uncovering the Story of Mira Murati : Brain behind ChatGPT — You Must Listen!!

Uncovering the Story of Mira Murati : Brain behind ChatGPT — You Must Listen!!

In this blog, I am going to tell you all about Mira Murati, the brain behind chat GPT. Mira Murati has become a source of inspiration for all the women who are chasing their dreams and don’t give up on them. Meera Marati was born in 1988 in San Francisco, US, to an Indian origin family. From the very start, she had a dream to become an IT engineerand faced certain obstacles during her early years.

The Woman Behind ChatGPT: Mira Murati’s Inspirational Story — Must Listen!!

She did her graduation in engineering from the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, US. Her parents supported her journey throughout, and she achieved the milestone with supportive parents. She started her career as an analyst at Goldman Sachs, a global banking investment firm. After that, she worked as a senior product manager at Tesla from 2013 to 2016. Open AI and Chat GPT. After working for three years in Tesla, she realized that she was made for something extraordinary. So Mira Murati joined Open AI in 2018, a California based research company founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman back in 2015. From the very start, she had certain ambitions and wanted to become the woman of her dreams.

She initially worked as President for Applied Artificial Intelligence and Partnerships. Then she rose to the prominent position of Senior Vice President for Research and Product Designing at Open AI. Then Morari started to make waves, and her first achievement was development of DAL.

Don’t know about it?

A system which is capable of creating realistic images from the textual or the linguistic forms.

Isn’t it amazing?

And another achievement which she made and everybody started to know about her. Recently in NOV 2022, Open AI released a conversational bot known as Chat GPT, which is capable of working like humans.

Mira Murati headed the team as CTO, Chief Technology Officer. Chat GPT is a high tech product of artificial intelligencewhich helps humans in different functions, including essay writing, language models, project completion, playing guessing games, writing and debugging codes, you name it. And you won’t believe it also passed the US law and medical licensing test.

How is it possible?

That comes in our minds, but it actually contains a fast memory which processes the information in real time and helps you with human like thinking and abilities. And you know what? The company with only a handful of employees rose to the net worth of almost 30 billion US dollars and 100 million active users in no time.

Following the huge success of of Chat GPT, all of the IT giant started working fast on AI. Microsoft announced an investment of $10 billion and unveiled a new B ing search with the features of Chat GPT. Joining the open Al, Google also launched its own version of chat bot named B ard in 2023, but it faced a lot of criticism and backlash for wrong information about James Webb. Well, back to Mira Murati because she is the root of all this change. Hobbies of Mira Murati. While talking about her inspirations and hobbies, she told that her favorite song is Paranoid Android by Radiohead, which revolves around madness, sloganeering, and political objectivity to capitalism. Telling her favorite book Duino Elogies, which is actually a collection of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke. The theme of the poems list the limits and deficiency of human conditions and a broken consciousness. She tells her favorite movie, 2001. It is about the inventions of modern science and technology and its dangerous impacts on us. More on Mira Murati. She likes to dance salsa, make chocolate, and play piano in her free time. Now comes Murati’s views on artificial intelligence AI and chat GPT.

There are fears among the people that chat GPT will help the companies by laying off the employees and instead employing robots in their place. Mira Murati says.

The revolutions that we’ve gone through, there will be new jobs and some jobs will be lost, some jobs will be new, and there will be some retraining required.

As well. There are also many ethical and philosophical questions which require tangible answers. I. E.

How to bring this robot thing in line with human values?

Recently in a conversation with Time magazine, Morari cleared the conspiracies about the chat GPTand sought cooperation from societal and government sources for the regulation of chat GPT. She accepted the reservations that it might be used or misused by the non state actors for their unrealistic ambitions. She also hinted that this product is to revolutionize us with the modern world and also needs improvement and better use of techniques with the passage of time. Questions were raised about the unfair use of chat GPT by students to clear the exams. To this question, Mira Murati said that Open AI launched a software zero GPT, which will determine whether the particular content has been written by some AI software or by the person. Regulations and the danger of AI. It has been said by Elon Musk, AI is far more dangerous than nukes. If it’s not controlled, it can cause unthinkable destruction and can end the very existence of humanity in the world. The biggest question mark on the inventions of artificial intelligence is that how do you manage the use of such systems and who will govern this whole phenomenon?

Talking about the dangers of artificial technology, Mira Murati makes you believe that everything is to be okay and she is of the view that she is too optimistic about its use and falls out in the society. That’s not a solid assumption and it’s just being naive from reality. You must address the challenges emerging from the harmful impact of any technology. Maradi also talks about the involvement of governments in regulating such systems. She feels the need for greater control and responsibility on behalf of the people while using this technology. In her opinion, chat GPT is still in the research phase and it’s too early to say anything about its use and the societal impacts. But the companies like Open AI are trying their best to make it useful for humanity and assist them in their daily affairs. She believes that it’s high time the government and everybody start getting involved into artificial intelligence because it is going to impact all the people equally and greater the governmental control over its use, the better it is for the humanity. At the end, we would like to add our opinion on it that. When men create machines, there are certain problems which need to be tackled.

If you don’t understand the inner function of a machine properly, then you are breeding a dangerous predator which won’t even spare you in the end. But you need to remember that technology without proper understanding is very harmful for our social fabric. It breaches our privacy and finishes the curiosity within us. All the questions must be taken into considerationbefore making it open to the public. The data available on chat GPT can be used by the band Outfits to carry out attacks and violent stuff before it attains the status for official use. All the fears related to it must be thoroughly solved. Chat GPT is a great invention of modern times by Mira Muradi with all its pros and cons.

Thank you for listening this blog.

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