Whenever You Feel Sad Listen to this — A short Motivational Story on Gratitude
This story is for people who aren’t happy with their life and think others are happier. To understand the story, listen till the end.
Once upon a time, a small rabbit was very unhappy with his life. One day, he started crying while sitting in his burrow. A wise old man named Master Sato was sitting under a tree nearby. Suddenly, a whimper from the rabbit reached Master Sato’s ears. Master Sato walked over and saw that the rabbit was crying.
Master Sato asked him, what’s wrong, my friend? Why are you crying? The rabbit said, Master Sato, I’m really upset with my life. No one respects me. I’m always running from predators. I don’t have the strength to fight back.
Everyone looks down on me. I’d rather be dead than live like this. Hearing the rabbit’s words, Master Sato felt sorry for him. He said to the rabbit, my friend, we should learn to be happy no matter what. But the rabbit didn’t understand Master Sato’s wise words and kept crying. Then Master Sato said, don’t be upset. Tell me, what do you want to be? I can make you that with my special words. The rabbit was happy and said, Master Sato, if you want to help me, then please make me a deer. Master Sato said, okay, I’ll make you a deer, but first go to the deer and ask him if he’s happy with his life. You go and find out, I’ll wait for you here. The rabbit hopped away happily to meet the deer.
He saw a deer eating grass in a field. He went to the deer and said, you’re so beautiful. You’re so fast and everyone respects you. You must be the happiest animal in the forest. The deer said to the rabbit sadly, no, my friend, I’m not happy. There are so many dangers in the forest and I’m always afraid of hunters because I’m so noticeable. I think the bear must be the happiest animal in the forest. He’s so strong and doesn’t have to worry about hunters. Hearing this, the rabbit hopped away from there and went to the bear.
He said to the bear, oh bear, you’re so strong and powerful. You must be the happiest animal in the forest. The bear said to the rabbit sadly, no, my friend, I’m not happy. You see, I have to sleep all winter. I’m always scared that I won’t have enough food for the winter and my den is so big and cold. I wish I was smaller so I could hibernate in a smaller, warmer den. I think the eagle is the happiest animal in this forest. He can fly and is free. Hearing this, the rabbit hopped around looking for an eagle. After searching for a long time, he finally found an eagle sitting high on a tree.
He shouted up to the eagle and said, dear eagle, you’re so amazing. Every day you can fly and see the whole forest. And look at me, when predators come, I have to run and hide. I think you must be the happiest animal in the forest. The eagle replied sadly. He said, I always thought that I was the most amazing and happiest animal in the forest. But because of my strength,
I’m always fighting with other eagles. When I have to fight, it hurts a lot. The eagle sighed deeply and said, I’m not happy, my friend. The rabbit was surprised to hear this from the eagle. He asked him, if you’re not happy, then who do you think is the happiest animal in the forest? The eagle said, I’ve flown over the forest very carefully and I’ve realized that you, the rabbit, are the only animal that can easily hide from predators. People don’t try to catch you and you can easily find food. So for the past few days, I’ve been thinking that if I were a rabbit, I could happily hop everywhere and I would be safe. During this, the rabbit hopped away from there and today, for the first time, he was feeling happy to be a rabbit. He came back to Master Sato and said, Master Sato, I don’t want to be anything else. I’m fine the way I am.
If we look at our lives, we will find that this is our problem too. We compare ourselves with others for no reason and then become sad and blame ourselves. We don’t appreciate what we have and this all leads to a cycle of unhappiness.
You should learn to be happy with what you have instead of looking at what you don’t have. There will always be someone who will have more or less than you have. If you keep comparing yourself to others, you will never be happy. A person who is happy with what they have is the happiest person in the world. This is Passion Drive.
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Thank you so much for listening and stay blessed.