Is America hiding alien technology? Is it privy to extraterrestrial life?
For decades now, alien optimists have been asking these questions and last week they got yet another reason to do that. Courtesy this man, David Charles Grosch, a former US intelligence official. Not too long ago he led a team studying alien life and he now claims America has craft of non-human origin or what are popularly called unidentified flying objects, UFOs.
A current US intelligence official has also confirmed his claims. His name is Jonathan Gray. He works at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center and he says that we humans are not alone. Are their claims credible and what evidence do these individuals have and what is the American government saying about all of this?
In the year 2021, the Pentagon released a report on UAP, (Unexplained Enormless Phenomena). This report said that there are over 140 unexplained instances of UAP encounters and what sort of encounters are these? This the report did not mention. A team of journalists at Deep Brief who decided to demystify this mystery. They spoke to David Charles Grosch who said that America is hiding intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.
Now here’s the thing, in the past a previous UFO expert in the US who would have made similar claims might have been discredited by many but this man has bona fides or credentials that are worth taking seriously. He is a 36 year old combat veteran of Afghanistan. He was a member of the unidentified aerial phenomenon task force, a program run by the office of naval intelligence to investigate UFO sightings. From 2019 to 2021, he served on the task force as the representative of the National Reconnaissance Office. This is considered one of the big five of the US intelligence agencies. And that’s not all.
David’s colleagues think highly of him as well. Colleagues like Carl Nell, a retired army colonel who was also on the UFO task force. He told the journalist that Grosch was beyond reproach that there is indeed an ongoing contest, a competition with other countries to identify UFO crashes and retrieve the material for reverse engineering. We just told you about Jonathan Gray, another intel official investigating UFOs. He says in am quoting, the non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. This is a global phenomenon and yet a global solution continues to elude us. As for Grosch, he is now retired, but he hopes that his claims would provide an ontological shock to space agencies and experts around the world.
So there are not one, not two, but three credible people who claim that the US is hiding alien life. Which is why American politicians also are taking this seriously.
Have a look at this report. The US House of Representatives is planning to hold a hearing on David’s claims and oversight committee will investigate the allegations that the US has possession of intact or partially intact alien vehicles. And he is hoping this committee gathers more evidence rather than suppressing it. And I say this because America has conducted a total of 12 government funded investigations on unidentified flying objects, project blue book, project grudge, project SERPO, project sign, project silver bug, just to name a few. But all of these investigations have either been suspended or ended without any concrete answers.
Why just America after all?
Countries around the world have tried to investigate the existence of UFOs but to no avail. The United Kingdom has carried out two secret studies into UFOs. The Flying Saucer Working Party and Project Condine. The Soviet Union had a dedicated organization by the way to investigate UFO sightings. Institute 22, it functioned for a total of 13 years. Canada 2 ran a study program, this was in the 1950s, to investigate UFOs. It was suspended in 1962 and Brazil ran something known as Operation Saucer in the 70s. Now besides the fact that they all got suspended, what’s common between all of these probes is that all of them also concluded that UFOs do exist. And there is no evidence to suggest that they are hostile.
Some said that they could probably be extra terrestrial beings that have no interest in making contact with human beings. And some other said that they were made by humans who had learnt how to manipulate the laws of physics and are yet to reveal their intentions. But these were all suggestions. None of the probes could find out exactly who and what was operating these objects. And here’s the thing, the universe as we know is unfathomable. It stretches some 93 billion light years, has two trillion galaxies, each shining with millions of stars and dotted with more planets than you can count.
Given all of this, it seems unlikely that we are alone. Yet we have found nothing to suggest otherwise. But for thousands of years, people have reported seeing strange lights and objects flying through the skies.
The first known mention is from 440 BCE in ancient Egypt. When the scribes of Faroea thought most the third reported fiery disks floating in the skies. And then in 218 BCE, the Roman Republic recorded several sightings of phantom ships gleaming in the sky. In Christianity, there is a painting depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which shows two UFOs at the top corners. Neither of the pilots have a halo around them, which discards the possibility of them being divine beings.
And in India, the earliest reference goes back to 10,000 year old rock paintings found in the Buster region of Chatisgarh. Archaeologists say these paintings depict UFOs like those shown in films. But then again, good science takes time. And the human desire for scientific advancement is insatiable. If we speak of sightings in the modern day and age, America’s National UFO Reporting Center says there have been at least 90,000 sightings since 1905, with an average of six sightings per day, and some of them at the same time in the exact same place. On the 31st of October 2004, 77 people reported seeing a UFO in Chicago, Illinois. On the 19th of September 2009, 75 people reported seeing a UFO in Burlington, New Jersey. And then on the 26th of June 2014, 15 people saw UFOs near Cherry Grove Beach in South Carolina.
Scientists have spent their entire lifetimes searching for signs of other civilizations. Some have considered that we have got the cause most to ourselves, but highly doubt that that is the case. But none of them, you see, have said that aliens are visiting us in UFOs. But then again, good science takes time. And the human desire for scientific advancement is insatiable. So is the desire for secrecy.